Terracoat Decor

A high build textured coating applied by roller / spray with a high profile decorative finish.

Application Method: 滚筒 喷涂
Grades: 丙烯酸

Product Overview

A versatile, high build, matt, sand aggregate textured coating, it can be applied several ways to create various types of textures, sharp or tear drop styles. The most popular finishes are the spiky roller stucco and the coarse spray patterns. This product finds favour with architects and developers alike.


• High build texture.
• Outstanding flexible qualities.
• Extremely tough and durable. (ASTM 4060)
• Excellent weather and UV resistance.
• Vapour permeable allowing substrate to breathe. (ASTM E96)
• Excellent impact and abrasion resistance.
• Water based and environmentally friendly.

Areas Of Use

• Designed for exterior application.
• Easily disguises substrate imperfections.
• Suitable for cementitious substrates, cement fibre boards, Sprayplaster, blockwork and brickwork.
• Suitable for commercial and high-rise buildings as well as pre-fabricated buildings on site, boundary walls etc.
• Applied by texturing roller or hopper spray gun.

Application Method

Prepare substrate by removing all loose and friable matter. Stop and fill where necessary. Ensure that the surface is clean, dry and sound.

New Work
Roller apply one coat of Terraco P Primer Pigmented and allow to cure. Apply Terraco Terracoat Decor / Terracoat Sil Decor / Terracoat Flex Decor (select required performance option*) to colour and texture allowing for drying times between coats, as per approved architectural sample.

Protect all adjacent areas not to be covered. All cracks, chips, voids and damages should be repaired with an appropriate filler. Prepare by removing all loose and flaking paint, grease, dirt and grime. Spot prime exposed areas appropriately. Proceed as for new work.

Application Videos

Terracoat Decor Application Video


Terracoat Decor Brochure

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Available Grades

Product Name Product Code
Terracoat Decor 61370